This Mоm Can’t Say Nо Whеn Rеsсuеd Pit BuII Cоnνinсеs Hеr Tо Adоρt Thеir Fоstеr Kittеn
We are born in a particular way by default but that doesn’t mean we can’t change our future as well as others’.
Bethany Leigh is an advocative and devoted woman who loves to rеscuе and foster âbаndơnеd animals. She has big willpower to savе the living creatures as much as she can. But she doesn’t do it alone, a graceful and gentle pit bull dog Sterling is her reliable sidekick. Sterling’s past was not as good as expected, he was âbаndơnеd too, and his human mom Leigh lightened Sterling’s life when he was 4 and a half weeks old.
“He was so small. I was bottle-feeding him regularly.” – Leigh said.
“He had giant scars across his chest and legs. With lots of work and love and training, he has become so sweet and loving.” – She continued.
A team of 2 members has made some remarkable rеscuеs, especially kittens. Whenever Leigh brought home and fostered a kitten, Sterling would approach and comfort and support a little soul as he knew the kitten had had rough days likе Sterling’s.
One day, Sterling’s mom once again fostered a black longhaired kitten, she named him Lux. All of the sudden, Sterling’s reaction was utterly different from usual. He was more in love with his new buddy who was spotted being all alone in a McDonald’s parking lot.
The more Lux was afraid of Sterling’s presence, the more a soft pit bull came to a little foster kitten. He showed the kitty how patient and affectionate he was. Gingerly, the bond of a pit bull and a cat was getting closer, which made Leigh really grateful and happy.